Stockton Council is inviting everyone to view and comment on its proposals for the new play space in Romano Park in Ingleby Barwick.
A special exhibition of the work produced by the school children involved in the project was held on Thursday 24th April 2008,
at All Saints School, Blair Avenue, between 4.30 and 9.00 pm
Representatives from Stockton Council were available for more information
along with the artists and school children involved in the project
Representatives from Stockton Council were available for more information
along with the artists and school children involved in the project
Your observations are valuable, so please take the time to make your comments
either by email to parksandcountryside@stockton.gov.uk
visiting the exhibition April 2008
or in writing to Parks and Countryside, Stirling House, Thornaby TS17 9JP.
or in writing to Parks and Countryside, Stirling House, Thornaby TS17 9JP.
If you wish to contact the artists Lee and Jill Brewster please go to web site www.leeandjillbrewster.co.uk